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I advice everybody to trade with a DEMO account!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Forex strategy builder : a great tool

There are a lot of tools for testing forex strategies. One of the greatest tool online is forex strategy builder. It is ideal to make some quick test to see if the basics of a specific strategy are good enough for building a profitable strategy.

Forex strategy builder can also generate strategies for you. Now don't get to excited. It will not generate a holy grail strategy for you. But some of its generated strategies can give you ideas or the basics for a profitable strategy. You can find the software on their website.

A screenshot of the software:

If you never used the software you will need to spend some time to learn how to use it but it is worth it. Don't start generating ultra complex strategies. The most simple strategies are often the best!
KISS => keep it simple and short

The Forex Strategy Trader they offer on their website is very new. So careful if you are planning to use it for letting forex strategy builder trade in meta trader. Like in a lot of new software i expect it to have some minor bugs. 

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